It's about learning life skills

At Credo Consulting our passion is creating innovative environments that enable students to learn more effectively and develop the essential skills needed for life.  In short, the environment needs to be engaging, adaptable, and promote learning. 

Activity and Average retention rate

Redefining learning environments requires more than great teachers, it necessitates providing students and teachers the tools to engage, collaborate, and to learn differently.  It's a profound change to the entire learning environment leveraging all of four modalities to improve student engagement. 

We commonly consider four modalities:visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (moving), and tactile (touching). As you might guess, the more senses or modalities we can activate, the more learning will take place (see Learning Pyramid above).  

This data is based on research from Edger Dale in 1946 (The Learning Pyramid), and several other studies, including research by The Metiri Group in 2008. 
sleeping student before.jpg

taken in 1937, What's changed?

Crazy as it seems, not much.  The environment in which most children learn remains the same: a typical classroom setting with tables and chairs facing a teacher.  There's a new generation of learners among us, and that typical classroom configuration no longer works.


Engaging and Collaborative

The future designs of learning environments should inspire creativity, enable collaboration, promote critical thinking, and engage today's students; digital natives.  As we redefine and promote innovative teaching and learning, we will continue to invest in our youth and prepare them to succeed in work and life.